
H in Liberia

It had been ages since I spoke to my good friend H who is working for anon-profit organisation in Africa, so I emailed her to see what she isup to and she replied with the following email. Now I asked her if Icould blog it but she didn't reply. I imagine she is okay with it, sohere it is below (slightly edited). H I hope you don't mind. I justreally wanted to share it because it shows how different and valuableher work and experience is to ours.

It is rainy season out here and about 150% humidity so you can imaginethe state of my giant wig ... I was lucky enough to experience thelegendary 7-day rains, actual torrential downpours all day every day for7 days. There were children floating down the street, Im not evenjoking. There is no such thing as an actual road here, because thecapital Monrovia (where I live) was attacked so many times during thewar the streets have been destroyed by rocket fire and tanks and bulletsand mortar rounds and there are potholes the size of swimming pools onmost main streets. There are also still roadblocks manned by UN - thefirst time I went through one of those was seriously scary. The city iscool though, everyone has been so nice and is looking after me but it isstill very very unsafe, as soon as the sun goes down everyone locksthemselves up in their houses and the criminal gangs come out to play. Iwas living with a family for a while just outside of town but now I havean apartment in the diplomatic quarter of the city - no electricityobviously but I just got running water yesterday which was veryexciting. The food is SPICY, they call chillies 'pepper' out here whichgives you some idea of the amount they use in their cooking - 'blow yourface off hot' is just an average meal. The people are great, I have areally good team who work so hard in between doing their actual jobs andI love them all. I have... a bodyguard who is the most useful person Ihave ever met (there is nothing he doesn't know or know how tofix/solve/sort out).

Generally things here are pretty damn good......... How are you? How is the beautiful Cyprus? I HAVE to come and see yousoon, I miss you loads and really really need to chill out with you fora while....

1 comment:

Milky spirit said...

Really put things into perspective... and kind of reminded me the hierarchy of needs. In cyprus we really screwed up their original order... still is sad we need to see the worst so we get better. It actually inspires hope that in the darkest times there is still humanity. Thanks for blogging it :)