
DJ Mean!

Earlier on, I mentioned a scary radio DJ on an English-speaking station who should have been a bouncer, or a prison-guard or a dictator. What’s more the DJ was a woman and scared me senseless over the air-waves!
I was driving to work, half-asleep and bored and was not paying attention until she began talking about Sienna Miller and the man she dumped. His name began with I. I believe. As she explained the situation her tone not only got more aggressive but she really began insulting him, all this at 6.30 in the morning. Her rant went a little like this.

‘So Sienna Miller dumped you. And you wrote a song about it! Get over it mate! Don’t put your song on an album! No one wants to know. She’s a good-looking bird. You’re an ugly bloke. You had your fun. Get over it. Don’t be a loser! You’re an ugly man, get yourself an ugly bird, one that you deserve and shut your whining… we are not interested… who cares… you minger.’

By the time she finished a full 45 minutes had passed and I was practically in tears! Imagine how the guy would have felt if he had heard this!

And then she began telling us about her band (that had like one and a half songs) and needed a name! It was a five-piece and she was the only woman (no surprise there). I can hardly see her wanting to join the Pussycat Dolls. Anyway so our DJ-friend was telling the world about her band and its member, of which the other guys all had names such as Biff, Eyeball, Skinny Jake and Graham! And she was asking the listeners to come up with a name for her band. She continued…

‘So we have a few names. Scuzz-Bucket, Burnt Skin and Reservoir Dogs. So please call through if you come up with anything!’
I like Reservoir Dogs. If they battled it out with the Pussycat Dolls, who do you think would win?
I want to call her… but I’m too scared. What if she dumped me as a listener?


lmf said...

well the ugly actor is Rhys Ifans and he's the one that played the peculiar but rather cute roommate of Hugh Grant in the Notting Hill movie...
well, ok he's a bit ugly... but for a beauty like sienna miller to choose to have sex with him for a year or so, well there must besomething up there (or down there, if you know what I mean hehehe)

CityHopper said...

Oh is that who it was... I didnt catch the name coz i was half asleep and the woman totally freaked me out!

Yeah he is wierd looking. Im surprised they dated... but with Kate Moss going out with Pete Doherty, I guess anything is possible...

ur so cute lmf!