
Meeting BabyX

There have only been two people I loved so far. Now, I am a businessman, and so I don’t like to deal with feelings. Instead I prefer dealing with stocks and finances. However, when I do deal with feelings, specifically my feelings with other people, specifically romantic feelings, I don’t hold back. I go all the way. And that’s how I fall in love without a second thought. Without any thought!

Two years ago I was in a relationship with my Israeli-Baby. It got so serious that I converted to Judaism and we were going to have a Big Fat Greek-Jewish Wedding. Of course none of this happened. We broke up, I remained a Jew (because I made a commitment to the religion not just to her), she set up a business in Athens and moved back to Tel Aviv, got back with her ex and now live together in an area called Ramat Gan. When my heartbreak was over, I started dating and then I found BabyX. Actually she found me, but that’s another story.

Now, I won’t go into details, but BabyX like Israeli-Baby was wrong for me. Though we stayed ‘friends’ (I don’t know how people stay friends with their exes) I cut off contact with her (I even deleted her from my facebook !!!!!) and never wanted to see her again.
Until I did. In zoo. With my someone else. But not who you think.
‘BabyBusinessMan, hey. How are you?’ she said coming up to me, looking great and showing me her most amazing smile. She touched me lightly on the chest and leaned in where I could inhale her deep scent (Chanel Numver 5). She drove me crazy. I wanted her but…
‘I’m fine BabyX, how are you?’ I said friendly but distant. And trying not to appear too drunk.
‘I’m fine. You are looking good. So sexy.’ So was she. She was also excellent at PR. Even after a relationship has withered and ended. I glanced to a person next to her. There was a girl who looked so familiar. It couldn’t be! Could it?
Next to BabyX, was MyNemesis!

Now, MyNemesis was the nastiest, bitchiest girl you will ever meet (who now works in Nicosia but lives in Limassol – so at least there is distance between us). We had such abusive fights (verbal - I would never hit a girl) at school that teachers actually had trouble stopping the swearing. Recently I bumped into MyNemesis before I dated BabyX in Nicosia, and she seemed really nice and friendly. But then, so did Judas.

As I was saying I never wanted to see My Nemesis again (because I hated her) and I never wanted to see BabyX again (because I loved/love her and it is just too painful). So there I am in Zoo with my good friend Cake, dancing, drinking and having a good time when BabyX appeared and wanted to say ‘hello.’ It became a lot worse when the person I hated was with her too. And my mood just dropped. I wanted to smash through the glass on the fourth floor onto the ground below. Of course I didn’t. So instead I drank two more vodka-oranges, a beer, a whiskey and then another beer. I was so drunk that when I got home I puked in the toilet, in the bath and by my bed. Now that’s sexy!
‘How do you know MyNemesis?’ I asked BabyX.
‘From around’ she said and holding my hand.
From around? How is that possible? They didn’t even go to the same school they didn’t even live in the same city. They had five years age difference between them, and they were there, in zoo, looking hot, and talking to me. WHAT? What is going on?

And guys, the irony, the fucking irony! In front of me stood love and hate. The girl I was crazy for, BabyX was with the girl I hated MyNemesis. And what’s more, they were friends!
It made me realise Cyprus is so small. For some reason I have a problem with dimensions and think this place is London. Or because people think I am a foreigner I slip under the radar. But in fact I am Cypriot, I live in Nicosia now, and as it turns out, I know people who know people I dated. I don’t think I’m in London anymore Toto!
‘Anyway, it’s great seeing you’ she said and left tossing her hair back, with MyNemsis smiling sweetly and waving.

In the end though, I got what I wanted; not to see them again. And I haven’t seen them since. Although now, I want to, because I want to know everything: how they know each other; what they do together and what they think of me. Probably, to them, I’m another asshole BabyBusinessMan. But it’s true what BabyX said though. I did look good in the club. At least I could sleep at night now (when I am not puking that is).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And that is how/why that night u decided to strip in fucking Zoo!!

Just so u know babes, the fact that i was taking pictures of ur crazy stripping does not mean i approve. So.do.not.do.that.again.in.zoo.only.at.my.place.occasionally.

love yaaaa

p.s:u should think of a theme for ur birthday party!!!