
Sountrack to the Summer?

With the summer now in full swing, it is evident that you need a good soundtrack. Especially if you live and work in Nicosia which is full of traffic 24/7, which means you need to have some music in your car! Now in my car, I have a tape player (retro) and a radio that only has frequencies between 7.00-8.90 I think, or something like that. Well you get the message. The reason for this is that, although my car is German, it has come via Japan. And so is a Japanese radio. When I first heard the term ‘Japanese Radio’ I thought of funky Japanese pop by bands with big hair o calm tranquil mountain music you would play on Mount Fiji or the Kill Bill soundtrack. Of course it is nothing like this!

But no… Instead I have a tape player which I use to hear Hebrew phrases from a cassette (even more retro) in order not to forget the language or I listen to whatever stations I can find between 7-something and 8-something. Oh joy!

In Nicosia half the stations are in Turkish. I have listen to so much of it now that I know the singers so well I could easily get a job as a TV presenter on MTV Turkey!
In Limassol I get BFBS with the scariest DJ (another blog post)
And on the highway, I get my favourite! Two or three Israeli radio stations! My favourite station is ‘Boker Tov Israel’, which mean ‘Good Morning Israel’. I listen to it intently not that I understand much except some words like ‘but’ ‘shalom’ and ‘Israel.’ But I pretend to myself (alone in the car) that I am getting the low down of the news in Israel.

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