
Pranking Cake

I was at Mukta, drinking wine, (after three beers with another friend) waiting for PartyAnimal to turn up. He was running late, and so I started on our bottle of wine. When I get bored I’m at my most dangerous, because I get up to my old tricks again and misbehave, which I love doing, but I don’t do anymore because I’m a babybusinessman now and must act professional. But it was different that night. I had alcohol through my veins and I was waiting. So what do you do when you’re bored and waiting for someone to turn up? You prank your friends!

So I put it on hidden number (or apokripsi, as they say in Greek) and first, I pranked a colleague who was on a romantic getaway. I guess I ruined that for them. Then I pranked Cake.
It rang. She picked up. And said…
Cake: Ela papa! (Hey Dad)
BabyBusinessMan: Nai? (Yes)
C: Nai? (Yes)
BBM: Nai? Pios mila? (Yes? Who is talking?)
C: Pios einai? (Who is it?)
BBM: Eso pios eisai? (Who are you?)
C: Esi me pires (You called me)
BMM: Nai alla ego se rotisa protos! (Yes but I asked you first)

She hung up. Then I called again but her husband PanCake answered and he was smart and didn’t say anything. He almost tricked the trickster! Then I drank more wine and felt bad and so I called her giggling.

‘That was you?’ she screamed ‘I don’t know anyone over the age of 13 who does these things. BabyBusinessMan, it’s very annoying! You can’t prank people… blah blah blah.’ I sat there giggling and drinking wine. And then… the next day my phone broke! (Read below if you haven’t already).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and you just did it again you motherfuckin asshole!!!
People, he just called me at work and put his collegue on the phone to pretend he was a policeman trying to get me to go to the strovolos station ( i know that in strovolos u usually go when there is an accident involved, so since its raining and all i thought that my husband was KILLED in an accident!!!) pissshit motherfuck! stop doing that you psycho, i almost had a heart attack!!!!!!
