
OMG and Other Useful Phrases

We don’t use words anymore we use acronyms. It’s not my fault. It’s the internet and I-generation's age. Cnt b bthrd 2 wrt anymr!
After some research I found a list not only of acronyms but also of acronyms from around the world. The best being LOL!*

LOL: laughing out loud
ROFL/ROTFL: rolling on (the) floor lauhing
Lawl: another way to say LOL. A bit like cool=kewl (personally I find this annoying and people without personalities use it a lot)
Lulz: it means LOLx100,000,000 and usually at someone elses expense – again very annoying
LQTMS: Laughing Quietly To MySelf. I’m sorry – have you heard anything more ridiculous than this? It is ridiculous. If you are in a chat room then the person can’t see you so whatever you do is to yourself so why would they care if you are lauging quietly?

LOL around the world:
W: Japan; coz laugh in Japanese is warau which starts with a W (impress your boss – tell him this!)
MDR: France: mort de rire: meaning dying of laughter
RS: Brazil: risos meaning laughter
5: Thail – coz 5 in Thai sounds like laughter
G: Denmark: griner: meaning laughter
MKM: Afghanistan: mikonom: meaning I am laughing
And also LOL in Dutch means fun: bet you had lol reading this.

My favourite
חחחחח: Hebrew: the letter ח: is pronounced as HA: so חחחחח = hahahaha (also ח means the as in the banana = ha banana)

OMG: meaning Oh My God! Which I think is great
But all you’ll need to learn is BBM meaning BabyBusinessMan

*I actually dated a girl** who used to say LOL instead of laugh
**I realised I now start sentences with phrases like: I dated a girl; and it’s never good.

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