
Gold Diggers / Sugar Daddies

‘Greek men are not like red wine’ said the gold-digger from Athens ‘they do not age well. But desire for money… that ripens with age perfectly… perfect enough to commit the perfect marriage.’
Yesterday's post states that money is not everything – but it is a tool for survival and a comfortable life. In this post I want to ask how money buys us things: namely people. People say that love is blind – but is it blind to a big bank account and a trust fund, especially during these times of recession? I once went on a date with this girl. ‘What car do you drive?’ she asked me. I told her. ‘My mother drives a Porsche.’ She is either a) dumb b) wants me to know what I am competing against with her mother or c) both a and b. Don’t you think that money makes a man more attractive? Not only to women but to men. You’ll probably disagree with me (on ethical grounds) but think about it; money buys you things – especially people, their affection and their trust. Women are attracted to men because they see a rich powerful man who will provide for them and men like rich men to do business with (I don’t mean that kind of business). My point is that people are attracted to rich people; money opens doors, buys style, gets you that reservation at Nobu or the Bowery Bar and of course the reputation/admiration/envy that you desire and think you deserve. Even you – wouldn’t you rather go out with someone who has money rather than someone who is broke and always says ‘that’s too expensive’ and would rather rent a DVD (where you split the €2.50 charge) instead of going to a movie. I’m sure you’ll agree that going out with a man who has money will make it ever so much more easier and pleasurable. But there is a catch with this: going out with a man/women who shows off how much money they have is tacky. My friend was telling m all about this girl he dated who was really faux-rich and was boringly middle-class and told him how much she owned, and what she did (lunch) and the whole time all I wanted to do while he revealed his tales of financial delight was puke into my latte… and then make him drink it! No! Make her drink it! Or do you remember the Anglo-Cyprian (that I blogged about) who told me to spend time in her multi-million house. I dumped her because of that. It’s just so tacky. But with people who are powerful and wealthy – know it and do not need to show it off – don’t tell me you don’t find that attractive. Personally I’m attracted to their address books… imagine all the important people I can gain access to if I take it. Maybe if she dumps me it can be my going-away present…? But seriously money talks… and it talks best when it’s making its way into you’re pants, bed and heart. And when anything happens, you’ll crash… just like Wall Street did.


drSpock said...

Money and power are the greatest aphrodisiacs because they subconsciously tell us that that man will be able to provide for his family and therefore his offsprings will have greater survival chances and probably better genes (since he managed to get rich and powerful).
And in the end it is better to be rich and miserable, than poor and miserable!

CityHopper said...

yeah drspock - u make a good point - there are aphrodiziacs - and it does stem from prehistoric times... caveman times... or whatever they r called!

good point beeatch!