
Backing Barack

If McCain wins, people will move to Canada (or even better; France) and America will begin a debate about how racist American actually is (with emphasis given to the southern states). If Obama wins, it will give a new lease of life to a nation tired of Republic mistakes and bigotry and we will never here the end of Obama being the first black president. To me, it’s no big deal, he is black; the race to the White House for me never included any racial undertones because it don’t matter what colour you are as long as you can do the job. But we will never hear the end about Obama being the first black president (which he will be). He could cede Alaska (and Palin while he’s at it) to Russia, Texas to Mexico, New York to Israel and the rest of America to Yemen and people wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Instead, people will still be talking about him being the first black president.

One of my (American) friends say that that’s because some Americans are racist (finger pointing to the south), but are they really? How is that possible when America is such a melting-pot to have such racial tensions? When I was there I saw nothing but integration and multiculturalism. But my friend pointed out that I was in the OC and Vegas. Not exactly middle-America, bible-belt, guns and tractors now, is it?

For me, the presidential race 2008 is not a race issue, it’s an age issue. McCain will be 70-something if he becomes president (which he won’t). Fine so we shouldn’t be ageist. Fine I won’t be. But his age doesn’t merely mean he is old, it means that he represents all that is old, Republican, extreme and dusty about America. And let’s face it; America is still a vibrant and innovative place and for that you need a vibrant and innovative president, enter Obama! Yes, I know I am looking mostly at the coasts and pockets of affluence in certain states (like Austin, Texas for example; it’s a blue dot in a sea of red). But these places run the country and the economy (which the Reps ran into the ground). Furthermore, if anything happens to him, Palin, the moose-hunter/ hockey-mum/ republican from hell will not only lead America, she will rule the world. And she only know where Russia is because it’s opposite her house.

So I am (finally) backing Obama after dealing with my issues about Hillary not being in the race. Obama is good for the economy, he is good for America and its (necessary) new foreign policy image and he is even good for Cyprus and Israel. So let’s hope he wins the White House come Nov 4th!

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