

Quick comment: you know what I am glad about; that in Cyprus we haven’t got there euro-nerds. Do you know what I mean? The type who wear big black rimmed glasses and jumpers; who read some random European writers with a philosophy of some sort I never heard of and claim that they have found God; you know the sort; the types who only drink mild coffee and hang out with arty girls in long dresses and wear loafers. Who never shave and are always happy but shy. ARGH! They tire me out. I don’t know why I am telling you this but, I just bumped into one and he annoyed me with his euro-crap.

In Cyprus we are not like these pseudo-intellectual artsy type. We are superficial, fashion-loving, trashy/classy people. We have an attitude, we are loud, we shout and have no patience. But these euro-nerd, luckily the style hasn’t picked up here, unless Gucci does a line of sunglasses especially for them. Anyway, that’s enough of my rant. I can’t believe you even read this rubbish! I can’t believe I even wrote it. OMG, I guess were euro-nerd too (or at least Mediterranean-nerds). Actually I can believe I wrote this… there is more where this came from…

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