
Elections in 2 days

It is 10.27pm, 1 November, as I am writing this and it has just occured to me, after months of following the campaign, or should I say The Campaign (as there really is only one true campaign) that on Monday, America goes to the polls to vote for a new President. I am actually more excited for American voting than I was voting for our Presidents (which I took very seriously indeed).

However, finally two days before election day I am fully behind his campaign wagon (as I mentioned, I do not take voting lightly) and although Hillary is still the best candidate, Obama has to win. Now I fully support him. Another Republican in the White House... don't get me started. And the best thing is, two more days left of Bush. Wow... what a long eight years its been!

I really think Obama can do. Maybe it's time for Change?


the bastard; unshaved. said...

Obama ftw.
Let's see some change already.

Anonymous said...

well he won and its a fact...the 44th president of USA is african-american!! I mean WOW!!! I guess america will be changed by this result. And I'm not talking policy only (although I doubt if their stand on Cyprus and Greece will change). It's the way the nation sees itself that will change. And the way outsiders see America. It is a land where anything can happen! This motto is not fairytale anymore....PS So who's Jack Bauer? !
