
Annoying Couples and Full-Fat Milk

So right now two things annoy me. People who are in relationships and act like the effing Stepfords and people who are total hypocrites. Allow me to elaborate.

Now I know it may seem like I have been waging a war against people in relationships. This is not against relationships but how people go about demonstrating their love to their boyf/girlf to everyone else! Some couples are great – they function well, they don’t fight in public, they include other people in their conversation and they don’t overtly demonstrate their love for each other in front of an audience. I’d like to keep my dinner down while at the dinner table so I dislike people who over-demonstrate how much they love each other. I like tennis – how would you like it is I came into a room wearing tennis shorts and begin whacking the ball across the room. You wouldn’t appreciate it would you? So why them should I have to observe couples who turn their love for one another into a soap opera? One couple I know, more acquaintances than friends, could make you scream. It is literally ‘we’ and ‘me and my girlfriend’ (note that it’s not ‘my girlfriend and I’) all day long. I know more about his girlfriend than I do about him. And get this – they spend all their free time together. Is this normal? I am not a relationship expert but isn’t that a little extreme? Are you meant to spend every possible minute of the day together when you can? And why should I have to watch your love-life unfolding in front of me? I don’t want to know what you are having a dinner unless you are inviting me. People, it is literally 25 year olds playing family. It is so scary. It’s all we go to dinner, and the ‘in-laws’ are taking us for a drive (????????????????) (they are not married) and we love each other so much, why don’t you feel my heart and see for yourself! I couldn’t take it anymore so once I told him that if he ever mentioned his gf again I would seduce her. He’s not talking to me now… I’ll take that as a good sign.
If you are in a relationship, good for you, I applaud you and I support you. But if you act all schmultzy in front of me and act like you have been married for 40 year then please allow me to puke all over your face.

Number two annoying thing? It’s the kind of people who buy low-fat milk because they want to lose weight (you can see them piling on the pounds) and then for lunch they would have a big fat Greek meal (meat, meat and more meat) and then to top it off have a big chocolate dessert. And if the milk is not low-fat or at least semi-skimmed, Heaven help the person who buys Full Fat! People like me. The anti-full-fat people (who are in fact physically full fat) think that they will loose 100 pounds by not drinking full-fat milk while still gorging themselves on sweets. If they want to loose weight quickly don’t they realise it’s milk they should keep and junk food they should throw out? Perhaps they didn’t realise that. They were too busy digesting.

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