
End of the Summer

And that is it folks. It’s the end of the summer. We are in the last week in August and seeing the last weekend of the summer. Monday will be September 1st and will herald the new era of work and toil until next summer. Unless you’re like my friend Trustfundista who never has to work.
I don’t know what sounds sadder, the last week in August (end of summer) of the first week of September (beginning of winter). I hate the winter. I hate the cold. I hate long, woolly and frumpy clothes. September is summer’s defeat against the winter. The summer is a treat of nature. Luckily in Cyprus summers are slightly longer. But I still can’t get used to the Nicosia winters. I moved to Nicosia in December… and I had to wear gloves. Indoors! Ok that’s because I had no heating in my old apartment. Still, the memories linger. But it’s the memories of summer that live on…


UrbanTulip said...

Well, hello there!
I love summer too - hate winters. Especially here when you don't exactly feel the cold. Anyway.
But since summer lasts about 1 more month....enjoy it!

the bastard; unshaved. said...

oh well. winter can't be that bad.
besides, summer in cyprus is 5 months long [may-sept]. there's plenty of it to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Com'on ur lying - there are no winters in cy... there is no walking in bloody rain with my new high heals on a saturday night nor to go to uni on monday morning soaking wet coz umbrellas are uselles in UK weather. Smile and be happy...u r saying summer is over im hearing don't worry be happy. What's the point of summer other than uplifting ur spirit for the autumn? For some reason i find September very exciting :)
milky...on a flying carpet!