
Single: Part 2

Earlier on, I wrote about the ‘joys’ of being single, only because I’m too tired to date. And it got me thinking, about being in a couple instead of being in a relationship with your take-away place. And I was wondering if it is so great being in a relationship, then why aren’t there any great couples?
And then I realised that there were great couples… Brangelina. Although Jolie broke Jen and Brad. And this blog supports Aniston!

There is my friends Laverne who is a long-distance and successful relationship with her man.
There’s Cake and her shrink. But then again, being married to a shrink, wouldn’t you be ok? Think of all the free pills! That could work with me.
Then there are my gay friends who are in perhaps the most balanced, fair and caring relationship I have ever seen. I can’t even have that with myself. I’m going to go to couples councelling for the relationship between me and my alter ego.

Then I need to have another session of councelling for the most important relationship in my life, between me and my email account. Hotmail’s been feeling neglected because I spend too long on Facebook. I say it’s just a phase, but there’s been trouble ever since I posted those after those photographs of me with my… anyway… even my virtual relationships are dysfunctional.

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