
Russian recognition of breakaway regions

So now Russia has recognized South Ossetia and Abkhazia. No surprise there. And Putin states that the US and the West are to blame for encouraging Georgia (and then not coming to defend it). Talk of NATO membership will of course give Georgia the right to flex what muscles it has thinking that the West will help. It didn’t. The West in repose to Moscow’s actions condemned Russian recognition of the two regions with American asking Russia to ‘reconsider’ (oh how ridiculous does that sound, ‘dear Russia, please reconsider retracting your recognition of these two states for whom you waged a war… love Bush’) and France calling Russia an ‘international outlaw.’

I too, disagree with Russia’s recognition of the regions but I find the Western stance hypocritical. They themselves recognized Kosovo, ignoring UN Resolution 1244 and now turn around and tell Russia not to do exactly what they did in February of this year. We now see an anti-Russian stance in the EU and US with the ascent of a new Cold War, especially when the US sets up bases in the Czech Republic and Poland to protect us from Iran. Who are they kidding? Certainly not Russia. And if you are going to place Eastern Europe in NATO and then moved on the Caucus, of course Russia will respond forcefully. The West has no consistent foreign policy whereas Russia’s is to remerge as a new and powerful nation and since Putin took control it has done just that. Russia is now a force to be reckoned with. It has clearly understood the notion that if the US can invade a sovereign state and carve it up, why can’t Russia?

1 comment:

the bastard; unshaved. said...

In my opinion, Russia is struggling to go against the rest of the world, trying to find allies, but also it's long lost glory.

Since the fall of USSR, Russia has been moderately involved in world politics, and has always laid low in matters of worldwide significance.

I can't see their plans actually, but something's fishy.
You don't go invading Georgia, especially during the Olympics where the whole world is watching, just to defend two self-declared territories who have been screaming for recognition since mid-90s.

Something's up and it's not going to end well.