
Almost Summer

Rejoice! Get up! Run out! Go outside! It’s frappe season. IT’S SUMMER! Well, almost. It’s that time of the year where you can’t distinguish whether summer is about to begin or about to end; except for one detail; you can tell summer is just about to begin because of the warm breeze we still get, before the heat sets in. You can smell the warmth of the summer and you can feel that this time of year, before summer becomes another forceful member in our family that this time of year is pregnant with the possibilities that are about to begin for the coming months. Those cosy stay-at-home-days are over. Newsflash: it is not longer winter people. It is summer, the reason why I moved back to this island! Even in landlocked Nicosia, that feels like it continents away from the sea, you can feel the joy that summer is about to bring. People’s gardens are lush with greenery, everyone is walking around their neighbourhood for an evening stroll, you can spot people sitting on their balconies, that have been forgotten over the winter months, and sipping frappe with their friends.

People are starting to shed their clothes. I am already wearing shorts and t-shirts (simple but stylish) my windows are fully open and my evenings are spent on my balconies; which are the new places to be when you’re at home.

But even when you're not at home, it's such a great feeling to be outdoors. We lead such plastic lives, working, sitting, not moving around. We should be outside in the countryside, under the sun, running wild... well I do that anything... but not the wild I should be doing...

...see you on the beach beeatches!


Milky spirit said...

Hola! Ena sketo mavro me duo kuotalakia nescafe! Thanks!

CityHopper said...

coming right up!