
Macedona is Hellenic. Did anyone say otherwise?

Do you duty: vote yes



Oh Nicosia... what have they done to you

High Class Wannabes and other types of trash

What I find really interesting if that in the UK people dislike you if you’re posh (upper class). To people in Cyprus who may not know was posh/upper class is, it’s being high class. But there are differences. Let me get back to the UK first. In India, you have the caste system, and in the UK you have the class system. You are either lower class, middle class or upper class. Of course you have your fractions within this, such as ‘upper middle class’ who are upper-class wannabes or Greek-Cypriots who have made lots of money there. If you are from an immigrant family then you are outside the system but by the time you have second generation Brits, like me, you can squeeze your way into a class depending on what school you went to/how much you earn/who you know. Some of my friends are upper middle, others are upper middle but with the income of upper. However, it’s almost impossible to become the crème de la crème of British society if you’re not married to a Duke or Viscount or someone with a title and a double-barrel name. Ok? Are you following this? Good.

Now, in Cyprus, we have no aristocracy because we have no monarchy. We have an establishment (in Nicosia) which is old money and are people whose families have run the country since the birth of the Republic. Now, apparently, there is new money who like to call themselves high class, many live in Limassol, some also in Nicosia. What-ev-errrrrr! These are people who think that by wearing Balenciaga, going to expensive sushi bars where they sell three pieces of sushi for €80 and then pop to Protaras (also known as Nicosia-by-the-Sea) for a retreat to ‘get away from it all’ are high-class/upper class. They aren’t high-class they are just high!

My classy French friend Laetitia, (and no one does classy like the French) told me that to be high-class or of a higher-class you have to be well-versed in literature, a fully rounded person, good at a sport or instrument, speak a couple of languages and have taste and culture. Why do you think museums have steps leading up to the entrance? To boost the notion that museums (i.e. culture) are higher-places, where you learn about the finer things in life. So a table at Mo with Vodka is not a high class unless you’re there to discuss Milan Kundera’s influence in Czech writing in comparison to other writers of the 20th century. I doubt that you would do that. Even I don’t do that! And I’m high-class. And how do I know I’m high-class. Well, I’m sitting here by my laptop in my fluffy Balenciaga slippers. And how do I know you’re not high-class? Because if you were you’d be reading proper literature and not this trashy blog!



Never Forgetting
Always Remembering


I won't date you if you're from Strovolo

So I got into a heated debate with someone about my theory that says ‘where you live defines the type of person you are’. I don’t mean that if you live in a shack you’re poor or if you live in a palace you’re rich. I’ve known many poor people who now live in palaces – they are called gold-diggers, mostly from the ex-Eastern bloc states. What I mean is the area you live in means you are a certain type of person.

When I moved back from London, I left the weather behind and brought with me part of the British mentality. Part of that mentality means judging (wrongly or rightly) by their area or in Britain’s case, by their post code. For example people in Slough (possibly the armpit of England and home of the TV Show ‘the Office’) want to have the post code changed from SL to something else as the SL (Slough postcode) brings their land value down. Anything with a London, City of Westminster pos code means that you can light your cigs with 20 pound bills.

In Cyprus it’s not the same… yet. But with me here it seems to be becoming so. Since moving to Nicosia I have become obsessed with where people live. I was talking with someone I wasn’t really interested in, but the moment I found out that she lives in Engomi, I wanted to marry her. Not because I love her, but because I love Engomi! It’s for the same reason why I won’t date anyone long-term from Strovolo (too weird – even if you live in the posh area), I won’t go on a date with anyone from Lakatamia (too far), nor will I even bother with anyone from Tseri, Geri, Latsia (might as well be Troodos). Anyone beyond these areas shouldn’t even bother talking to me, unless of course you’re from/in Limassol (but again this depends on the area). Pallouriotissa is ghetto and I hear Ayios Dometios might as well be the Bronx so those are out of the questions.

But there are some areas that I do date. Makedonitissa is too far from the heart of the city, but I like it, so if you’re from there you’re in luck, I might just take you out for a drink but I won’t come and get you and I certainly won’t drive you back! Initially, I was ambivalent about Aglantzia until I discovered Plati, which is a young person’s neighbourhood and people from Kaimakli are arty (love that) so I’ll date you lot too. I also like anyone from Ayios Andreas (diplomats), the city centre (urban and cool), Ayia Paraskevi and Acropolis (young, upper middle class and wealthy who walk their dogs*) and of course Lykavitos (my ‘hood gets priority!).

So you see; I am a slave to the system I created. For example, I live in the city, which means I have no patience for traffic, like the noise, can walk to the clubs and am in close range of Wagamama for when I have emergency cravings for sushi! So I guess you would categorise me as one of those annoying and pushy urbanites. And yet I hate categorizing people, but I just can’t help it. For example, If you live by the Mall of the Nation, I’ll assume you are a shop-aholic, if you live in the Presidential Palace I’ll assume you’re the President and if you live in Dasoupoli I’m guessing that you live in the woods and are to the witch’s house from Hansel and Gretel that is made of cake’s and sweets! I have become obsessed with where you live and assume that where you do live defines you. And the scary thing about this theory… is that it’s true.

*PS: to people who walk their dogs in Acropolis. I think it’s great that you love dogs but I love clean sidewalks – so people clean up after you mutt!


My wedding

This is what I want at my wedding.


Is Zoo the new Fight Club?

There was a huge fight in Zoo this Saturday. Apparently one man told the man behind him not to push him (and we all know that the way they pack people in there like sardines, you can’t help but push people). Of course the man couldn’t help it the man at the front turned around and punched the guy who ‘pushed’ him. He was a little foolish though, as the guy who started the fight didn’t have (m)any friends with him (or any friends in real life) and all the friends of the guy that was punched beat him up so badly it took three bouncers to protect him. In fact it was so bad people called the cops. How’s that for loyalty.

My biggest fear isn’t getting into a fight. That’s already happened (especially in you live in Manchester, also known as GangChester/GunChester). What worries me is if my friends don’t stick up for me. That would hurt more than any punch. If that ever happens, and it has, they are no longer my friends. I will cut them out without a second thought. Because true friends are there for you during the bad times (not only during the good) – and it can’t get any worse than being kicked in the face. So kudos to the guy’s friends – I guess that’s what true loyalty is.

One of my friends went to Greece on vacation and he was telling me about his friend who was beaten up for telling someone not to queue jump to get to the toilet. When he opened the door of the bathroom the man, punched the friend in the face. The Greek bouncers (this bit is so Greek) instead of breaking up the fight, they just removed them from the club and continued fighting in the street outside. ‘And what did you do?’ I asked my friend. ‘Well… nothing’ he said. ‘Why not?’ I asked. ‘I didn’t want to get into the fight! I didn’t want to get beaten up!’ So basically he just stood around, sipping on his Vodka and Coke and trying to blend into the club while is friend was being punched in the face and spitting blood. I didn’t say anything of course; I’m sure my expression of disgust said it all and I secretly downgraded our friendship.

So if your friend’s ever in a fight and your thinking ‘should I help?’ the answer is: don’t bother – for it’s too late if you’re still toying with that thought as your friend is busy defending him/herself.


More than friends, less than partners

I met C a few years ago when I was on holiday in Limassol. Often we would hook up when I was back in CY. She was more than a friend but less than a girlfriend. And we were okay like that. I lost contact with her but didn’t meet up with her until I moved to Nicosia; where we slipped back into our old ways. We’d go out clubbing or for a few drinks and then hook up. No fuss, no muss. When she was in a relationship and I saw her out and about I said hi and let her initiate any first moves. Once at a club she was talking to her boyf, from Romania. In situations like that, we just talked and I generally ignored her then-boyf (for a number of reasons). When he was deported or something like that, she asked me to begin a relationship, which I declined saying we were better off as friends, which is not untrue, but also, because I just got out of a relationship which imploded and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.

So it was to my surprise that she text me today with a message that real like this: Dear BBM – hi. How are you? Just to let you know, my ex-boyf is back in CY and looking for work and now we got together. Have a good Easter!

What’s the first problem with this text? Well… I’m a Jew, Shalom! It’s Passover! But in her defence I think I forgot to mention that. But other than that? Initially I was taken aback as I hadn’t spoken to her for over 6 weeks now so the text seemed rather out of context. Then it hit me, like a giant Easter egg on the head! She didn’t want me to contact her again. In a way I was upset as we always got on. But then again, when one door shuts in your face another window opens (for you to throw yourself out of?). To be fair, they made a good couple; she was sweet, wore glasses and was nerdy in a cute way. And so is he if I remember correctly when I saw him a couple of times – but don’t quote me on the cute.

However (and there’s always a however) she used to bitch to me that he used to date her for money and maybe, a place to stay. So what she is doing with him now? And then I wonder, is she dating him because she has nothing else to do (other than spend her money on him?). Also, I have to ask: is she texting me to make me jealous? I think I am slightly – but when I think about it – it’s not the relationship I miss. It’s the other benefits.


University of Cyprus

No jokes guys - the University of Cyprus is actually in a park. I have never seen a greener campus. If I went there I'd be hugging trees rather than attending lectures.


Almost Summer

Rejoice! Get up! Run out! Go outside! It’s frappe season. IT’S SUMMER! Well, almost. It’s that time of the year where you can’t distinguish whether summer is about to begin or about to end; except for one detail; you can tell summer is just about to begin because of the warm breeze we still get, before the heat sets in. You can smell the warmth of the summer and you can feel that this time of year, before summer becomes another forceful member in our family that this time of year is pregnant with the possibilities that are about to begin for the coming months. Those cosy stay-at-home-days are over. Newsflash: it is not longer winter people. It is summer, the reason why I moved back to this island! Even in landlocked Nicosia, that feels like it continents away from the sea, you can feel the joy that summer is about to bring. People’s gardens are lush with greenery, everyone is walking around their neighbourhood for an evening stroll, you can spot people sitting on their balconies, that have been forgotten over the winter months, and sipping frappe with their friends.

People are starting to shed their clothes. I am already wearing shorts and t-shirts (simple but stylish) my windows are fully open and my evenings are spent on my balconies; which are the new places to be when you’re at home.

But even when you're not at home, it's such a great feeling to be outdoors. We lead such plastic lives, working, sitting, not moving around. We should be outside in the countryside, under the sun, running wild... well I do that anything... but not the wild I should be doing...

...see you on the beach beeatches!


Book of the Month: April

A good handbag makes the outfit
Only the rich can afford cheap shoes
The only thing worse than being skint is looking as if you're skint


Green Capital

The EU just awarded two cities for the European Green Capital of the Year. The 2010 winner and host city will be Stockholm and in 2011 will by Hamburg. Other finalists were: Amsterdam, Bristol, Munster and Oslo amongst others. I think this is a great scheme that is ready to promote the environment and make the world more green blah blah blah, I cant help but see that there is an evident EU north/south divide with all the candidates coming from north Europe.

Now in their defence I know they are cleaner and tidier up there – but still I can’t feel that something is amiss with this. Why only north EU cities and should they try and encourage cities (rather than national governments) to become greener?

The site lists these are information: Required size of cities
All cities from the countries listed above which have more than 200,000 inhabitants can apply for the award. In this context, "city" is understood as an administrative unit governed by a city council. However, in order not to exclude any European country from competing for the European Green Capital Award, it has been decided to make an exception for countries which do not have a city with more than 200,000 inhabitants. In these - but only these - countries, the largest city will be eligible to participate.

In that case only Nicosia could apply (and Limassol perhaps only just). But lets be honest, my desolate balcony is greener than the whole of Nicosia! Which is a shame as NiCoSia (NCS) has good green areas and many inner city parks; the Linear Park, Athalassa (No Sea) Park for example. If only the EU had an award for best clubbing city then Ayia Napa would win hands down year after year!


Spam Emails

I have been receiving the weirdest amount of spam ever! I opened my inbox after the weekend and boom, there in my inbox languished 17 new emails. 16 of them were spam, one was from my friend asking me 'where are you?' (why didn't he text me instead).

Anyway, the emails themes were hilarious. As seen below with my comments in the parentheses.

The night should be long and full of pleasure (are we going to a Chinese restaurant then?)
7 things to buy for your lover (already got them)
Coupons for shops in your city (in Nicosia? Coupons? Does this include shops in Stasinkratous?)
Have you seen this chemist? (no- should I?)
Great Sales for you (there's a recession, it's always great sales)
Enjoy feeling and looking in good shape (what? Like a Damian Hirst sculpture)
It’ll be interesting for you (I've heard that before)
All meds you need – just order what you want (even the illegal ones?)


Nicosia Underground

So I get this email at work today about the Nicosia Underground and I had to share it with you. I don't know who did it - apparently this guy Thomas Costi in London who in my opinion deserves a medal - because this is the most innovative thing I have seen for Nicosia. Apparently, it seems to me that he is the only person who cares about Nicosia because I haven't heard a thing from any Ministry or government organisation that wants to deal with the traffic issue and the fact that we need public transport. We are the only European capital with no public transport... enjoy the underground maps... here's hoping....


Well hello... Talk Show Host

So this month's featured blog is my good friend
who's blog you can go to on this link


Now I'm not promoting this blog because it's my friend (well maybe I am but this is my blog so I can do what I want) but also because it's a really great blog (better than mine) so get off my blog and read hers!

Loves you Talk Show Host!
Can't wait to see you back on the motherland beeatch!

(PS the real Talk Show Host is much hotter than this talk show host above)


The Date that couldn't decide!

Date (pictured above): Hi How are you?
Me: I'm fine. What are you doing later
Date: What time is 'later'
Me: Anytime, I'm easy
Date: What do you have in mind...
Me: Drinks... then whatever
Date: What time?
Me: Any's okay with me.
Date: What time do you prefer?
Me: Okay then, let's say 9pm?
Date: Okay, I'll call you later...

WHAT? THEN WHY DID YOU ASK ME WHAT TIME?????????????????????????

Conclusion: Do you think I wanted to go on a date after that? Fuck no!


Landmines... again

For Christmas I posted a delightful blog about landmines, namely in Bosnia. This was to remind you that despite the Christmas cheer (personally the commercialisation of Christmas had defeated the whole point of it) the landmine issue was not resolved.

The late Princess Diana with the Halo Trust put the landmine issue on the map with the Ottawa Treaty (aka the Land Mine Treaty) which has been signed and ratified by 100 countries. Its purpose is to prohibit, prevent the use of and remove all landmines 10 years after its signing which basically is now. Has Bosnia been cleared? Has Cyprus?

The landmine is now a stigmatised weapon, no government wants to be seen using it (only two countries used it last year) but this has still not curtailed its use. This is not helped by the fact that the UN is shifting its funding elsewhere as some of the places that need to be de-mined are just too dangerous to work in. Other places like Bosnia have political difficulties which does not help their countrys demining.

America has not signed the Ottawa Treaty due to Korea although by 2010 all US mines are meant to self-destruct. The UK too hasnt signed the Treaty, despite Diana being a patron of it, due to the war in Las Malvinas/Falkland Islands. The UK has yet to clear out the mine from the Islands saying that they have lived there with them and the landmine areas are clearly marked so why bother with the cost. The argument against this is that clearing out landmines is a legal obligation.