
The ex is gone...

My crazy ex wanted to meet up. I agreed because I was bored and knew she just wanted to meet up for one thing. Then I remembered that I found her repulsive and decided to cancel. But I said it in a way that made it sound that I want a relationship from her.

‘Dear Skunk-face. I would lto meet with you but only if you want a relationship. Love me!’

Then I press send!

I could feel her going crazy in her room all the way in Strovolo. 45 minutes later she replied: Your loss babe xx

So I did the mature thing of replying: Actually it’s your loss since you ended it xx.

Then she text something so rude I won’t even write here and I replied by saying: what’s your problem? Why are you behaving this way?

Of course she didn’t reply. I guess she used up her free texts!

But the truth was; she had to go. My friend Barb warned me to stay away and end it, which I did, but not completely. We still kept texting. This time, it needed to be a clean break. No text. No nothing.

I didn’t like her energy. I didn’t like her attitude. I didn’t like her family. I didn’t like her friends. So when it came down to it, I didn’t like her either. Plus, she ‘dated’ some really skanky guys and I’m the kind of person who judges you by your ex and what they were like.

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