
Gossip from Laverne

So my friend Laverne who travelled with me on the Balkan Bonanza had some extra gossip to tell me when she was going to London to catch-up with friends. What she really meant was that she was going to speak with her shrink, go to exclusive spas and shop from Primark, despite coming from the OC. I’m serious!

So on her way to her ‘rejuvenation’ trip, to prepare herself for an important social function in… October she calls to tell me her news. Now I was on my way to a meeting and so this had to be important. You decide:

'Yesterday I was at Heathrow and as soon as a this a BRIT-ISH woman (she said British by purposely leaving out the ‘T’ so as to sound cockney although she practically sounds like a Valley girl) arrived from Beijing, no doubt an Olympic fan! She was such a hobo. Anyway her what appeared to be boyfriend proposed to her right there at Terminal Five near the trash cans...but...the woman said ‘no’... the bitch actually said no, and the entire airport was screaming ‘say yes say yes’.... but I guess it was a no... '

‘But do you think it’s the thing that women do when a yes means no and a no means yes?’ I asked her being the hopeless romantic that I am.

‘It was certainly a no!’ she said almost angrily. She continued…’while at the same time there was a regal Indian woman (she pronounced Indian as In-Jan) perhaps a glimpse of myself in 50 years, screaming to her assistant that he was a fool for not pushing her wheelchair properly... BabyBusinessMan you just gotta love Terminal 5...

Now you tell me how important that is. I was late for my meeting and could have cost my client five million dollars! I mean… there is a recession hello?????
But I have to admit. Laverne does have the best gossip from Terminal Five!

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