
Call me a Clintonista

Many people are rooting for Obama. And why not. He is the fresh new face that American politics so desperately needs. Many other also needed Hillary. In fact everyone needs Hillary. Actually, it’s true to say that Hillary would have made the best president. Now I know half of you are rolling your eyes and protesting, (leave a polite comment if you respectfully disagree) but Obama is the style and Hillary is the substance. Their policies were not that different from each other, but ultimately Obama won because he is just so damn cool. Hillary is establishment. They would have made a great team but in the end, American chooses her presidents according to image rather than content - examples can be found with Reagan and the Governator.

However, now that Obama looks set to win the presidential race, many staunch Hillary supporters are having difficulty reconciling the fact that Hillary lost. Many will vote for McCain instead as a form of protest. Although the idea to vote for him is horrific, it is understandable given the circumstances. That Team Hillary was so close to winning, that she is the strongest candidate and that in this electoral race so many emotions have been tied into making. Eight years after Bush, who wouldn’t be emotional? So Obama’s biggest difficulty will be winning over Hillary supporters. He made a big mistake not having her as his Vice-President, possibly fearing that she will dominate him. A logical excuse.

It seems obvious now that Obama will win the elections. At least this gets the Democrats in office and can repair the mess Bush caused. But the saying is true though, only a Clinton can clean up after a Bush. So we’ll have to see just how well Obama cleans up without the help of a Clinton. Especially the best one!

Clintonistas feel that Hillary lost, not because she was the lesser candidate, (she was undoubtedly the better of all candidate of the bunch who ran from both parties), but because of the sexist media, the hype around Obama’s campaign and the idiosyncrasies in the Democratic electoral system. What’s more, Hillary although having lost the nomination still appears undefeated as she always has done. She stood up for her husband when rumours of his infidelity crept in, she stood by him again during the Lewinsky scandal, she showed poise, toughness and emotion during the campaign and character when she lost to Obama despite knowing full well, as you and I do, that she is the better candidate.

Having said that, as a European I support Obama, but only through default. My vote still goes to Hillary. McCain is nothing but Bush’s third term. He is bad for America and bad for the world. Therefore the struggle isn’t to have Obama win, it’s to convince all those tough Clintonistas not to vote for McCain. And there are more than previously thought.

The fact that she stood up there and endorsed her rival only elevates Hillary in our eyes. True she did not previously endorse Obama (read below) and what she said was true but perhaps now she has to. If Obama loses it could also spell the end of her political career. Or maybe not. Others believe, rather oddly, that Hillary’s career will survive only if McCain winds, because that way Hillary can start her campaign all over again for the next election in 2012, to which she will most certainly win. But what would you choose? Another Republican prolonging Bush’s policies with the hope that Hillary wins the next election, or a chance to get the Republicans out asap and the possibility that Hillary will not run in the 2012 elections?

Hillary on Obama
Dec. 3, 2007: ‘So you decide which makes more sense: Entrust our country to someone who is ready on Day One ... or to put America in the hands of someone with little national or international experience, who started running for president the day he arrived in the U.S. Senate.
March 2008. ‘I know Sen. McCain has a lifetime of experience that he will bring to the White House. And Sen. Obama has a speech he gave in 2002.’
Feb. 23, 2008: ‘Now, I could stand up here and say, 'Let's just get everybody together. Let's get unified.' The skies will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing and everyone will know we should do the right thing and the world will be perfect.’ (source: yahoo.com)

But the biggest endorsement she could give Obama was slamming McCain: ‘No way… No how. No McCain.’ Will the Clintonistas listen? They are a strong bunch. They don’t listen to just anyone, even if the person they support is a Clinton.

1 comment:

the bastard; unshaved. said...

i'm a clintonista as well.
always thought and always will think that Hilary was the best-qualified candidate.
Obama's definitely miles better than McCain but still, he's a bit of a risk. He knows what he wants, and everybody agrees with the change he believes in.

The thing is, is he really ready to handle the mess Bush put America in?

Anyways, I just think that Americans are definitely over their heads. What logical person votes for a Bush-in-disguise candidate?