
Hotel Wreckers

It’s the summer holidays and many Cypriot ex-school kids and students are off on holiday after the end of the school-year. The majority of them, around 99.9% are going to Greece; Athens, some to Thessaloniki, and the ‘posher classes’ to Mykonos. What joy for the Greek islanders! Cartloads of hormonal spotty teenagers wondering around like zombies/aliens/monsters/thieves, behaving badly and shouting in their Cypriot dialect, which to Greek ears is a butchered version of the language.

They will invade the beaches, swarm the avenues of Athens and wreck the bars. But after all, they are paying customers aren’t they? And wouldn’t the Greeks rather have Cypriots (who speak the language and understand the culture) as tourists? Apparently not!
Some hotels disallow Cypriots from staying in their establishment, especially in ritzy Athens. Why? I hear you cry out in confusion, unable to comprehend this shocking news on my blog. Because to Greeks, Cypriot kids (and some adults) are the equivalent of English football hooligans? Why? What do they do? I hear you shout out again in desperation!

I’ll tell you.

They are hotel-wreckers. They throw television sets into the street/sea. They terrorise the locals (who are not expecting any rainfall in August by showering them from their hotel room on the 30th floor) with their special blend of… !!! But my favourite story I heard (on the news at 8) is when large groups stay in hotels - they synchomise flushing as many toilets in the hotel; in their room’s toilet, by the lobby, even the manager’s personal lavatory. So at 5pm, about 30-50 toilets are simultaoeusly flushed in the hotel. What happens? BAM! The hotel’s water storage breaks and there is no water in the hotel. Hehe… And so trauma ensuses!

My only regret? I wish I was like that when I was a kid. The craziest thing I did was leave a note of complaint when there was no loo roll in the bathroom. Maybe other Cypriot kids stole it and trashed someone’s car with it.

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