
Google Yourself

Cake sent me this email at work:
***I just googled myself and there is absolutely nothing on me… so depressing. I have made no difference in this world even my bloody gorgeous chiropractor has google results.***

So then I googled myself, hoping I made it onto the BabyBusinessMen Rich List. I wasn’t on the list. Because there wasn’t such a list. (If I was where would I chart at?) Plus my balance of €285.36 wouldn’t really qualify, would it? Could it?

However, the google results were interesting. I had come up as a captain and someone who works in biomedical research (sexy!) and some other people that I won't discuss now… but the most interesting result was when I google’d image’d myself. Guess what… I came up as a ship! A tanker to be specific!

It could have been worse/funnier; Cake came up as… well… a cake. And one of my other friends came up as a dog. I won’t tell you her name though!

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