
Frankfurt expats

I came across this in a website about expat community in FFM. Though a little outdated, from 2004, I thought it was insightful nevertheless

Expats in Frankfurt number around 7,300. This figure only includes foreigners who live in the city of Frankfurt and originate from countries where the official language is English, i.e. UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand. The total population of Frankfurt is about 650,000. This means that the expat population makes up just over 1% of the total.The number of Frankfurt residents who hold no German passport is 165,000. This is nearly 26% of the total population. The majority of these foreigners are, in decreasing order of size: Turkish, Italian, Croatian, Serbian, and Montenegrin.The following data on expats in Frankfurt is valid as of 31.Dec.2004:

American: 3,292
British: 2,694
Irish: 459
Canadian: 353
Australian: 294
South African: (estimate circa 150)
New Zealander: (estimate circa 80)
Cypriot: 1

Note that the above figures are only for the city of Frankfurt am Main itself, not the surrounding areas in Hessen or the Rhein-Main region. Many expatriate workers make a daily commute into Frankfurt from the neighbouring cities.

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