
Luxury? You want it? Work for it!

Don’t expect luxury if you’re not prepared to work. I hear all these people throw the word around like a ball and yet they don’t know what it means. They expect someone to come along and give it to them. Who? Their parents? They themselves had to work for it. Some were given vast acres of land and developed it – but most worked hard. Now that the kids grew up in mild laps of luxury (we’re not talking about St. Tropez here, more like a summer house in Protaras) they expect it to continue. Somehow these people still expect money to flow into their wallet. Where from? The banks are bust. The parentals only have X amount. Is someone going to grow €100 bills on trees?

Ultimately now with the recession (which was brought on by bankers’ greed for luxury) it is a luxury to still have a job!

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