
The Newest Member to our family: Lindsay Lohan

I love Jews. I love hanging out with them. I love talking about religion with them. I am after all, a Jewish convert so I want to be around them as much as possible. And I like meeting other Jew by choice as well. We'll swap stories on conversion-processes and talk about the situation we find ourselves in. However, I draw the line at celebrities becoming Jewish.

When I told someone that I was converting to Judaism they asked if it was because of Madonna. 'She's a Kabbalist' I said clarifying things. 'Is that different?' said the person not getting the clarification. 'Go to Israel and ask that question and then you'll see' I replied. (Answer: yes it's different).

If I wanted to be like Madonna I'd wear a triangular bar and adopt a child who already had a parents. Anyway. Luckily the label because of Madge didn't stick. However, now that ex-drug-addled, mean-girl, newly-lesbo-loving Lindsay Lohan (who my friend had a fight with, and won!) is becoming a Jew. I would say Mazal Tov but what I am going to tell people when they ask me why I'm converting? They'll think it's because of Lindsay.

When I had a mowhawk haircut, (2 weeks before Beckham had it) they all thought I copied it. NEWSFLASH: I am original enough not to need to copy you! Does Lindsay even keep Kosher? Out of all the relgions did she have to choose mine?

It's not like I want to be the 'only Jew in the village' or anything. I support people converting. Leonardo DiCaffinated (as I call him) is thinking of converting but that's so he can marry Bar Refaeli. Ivana Trump too is converting in order to marry a Jew. I too began converting because of my relationship with my Israeli ex. Just because the relationship didn’t last doesn’t mean my faith won't last. Lindsay too is becoming a Jew due to her girlfriend but c'mon! I know I should be the bigger person and support her… but I just feel that all the celebrities are doing it for publicity. My point is: go forth and convert to Judaism, but respect the tennets and practices and believe! Don't convert only to have your photo taken holding a Menorah!

Reader and Lindsay please listen: Judaism (like ANY religion) is not a fashion-fad or a lifestyle. It's a commitment as serious, more serious in fact, than marriage. It's a reaffirmed bond with our spiritual side and with G-d above. Time to treat it with the respect it deserves.

PS. Judaism is not the new Kabbalah. Kabbalah is a mystical form of pre-Judaism that is very strong and forceful and not for the easily susceptible. It's best you know about Judaism first before studying the Kabbalah. And if you want to make any changes in your life be serious about them. If not, get a perm. Get a tattoo instead. Not a religion you won’t use. No matter how nice it is because some of us take it seriously! Shalom!

1 comment:

Dog Bites Back said...

My getting here means I can speak Spanish! But LOL at Madge adopting kids who already have parents. I can so hear you saying that.