
The Mall and the Drool

I met my friend Milky on Saturday at the Mall of our Nation. OMG! The amount of people... the shopping... the queues! It was like being in the underbelly of consumerism. How much do people shop? And half the people there weren't even shopping... they just went for a 'volta'. Who would want to walk around the Mall of the Nation when it is literally heaving with people? Christmas cheer? What Christmas cheer? People were pushing, swearing, sweating and shoving. Being in the Mall at Christmas would make the most devout Christian want to change religion! No wonder the Pope doesn't do his own shopping.

But you know what was worse? Orphanides Nicosia. It was like going from the Mall of Cyprus to the Drool of Cyprus. It was dreary, dangerous, almost sad to be there. Why don't they fix it a little and make it a more pleasant place to shop?

Oh well...

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