
Palin hates bloggers... and moose... and democrats... (duh!)

Sarah Palin described bloggers who spoke up against her as ‘Those bloggers in their pajamas sittin' in their parents' basements, just writin' garbage’. Dear Ms. Palin, I may have talked about you in my blog and like everyone else described you as a whackjob but I can guarantee to you that I do not sit around in pajamas, I am too busy to sit around and I don’t even own pajamas, my parents do not own a basement and I don’t live with them and I don’t write garbage (well, maybe sometimes – but it seems that you are the one who is upset with it).

No, you are wrong Ms. Palin. I write on the third floor of my apartment block; overlooking the city of Nicosia in very expensive clothes sipping red wine. May I also add that unlike you; I know that Africa is a continent and not a country; although I cannot see Russia from my house like you can, I know a lot more about it; and I think you should consider yourself I incredibly lucky to spend 140,000 dollars on clothes. If fashion doesn’t let you win it, then nothing will. Not even Tokyo fashion week!

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