
Yom Kippur 2008

To all the Jews out there; Yom Kippur begins at sunset today 8th of October 2008 and end at night fall 9th October 2008. The 25 hour fast. Think hard about this years past sins and how you can better yourself for the coming year.

For those of you who are not familiar with Yom Kippur it means Day (Yom) of Atonement (Kippur) in Hebrew and is the day when all Jews repent for their sins.

The source for much of our observance of Yom Kippur is Leviticus 23:26-28 - "God spoke to Moses, saying: Mark, the tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. It shall be a sacred occasion for you: you shall practice self-denial, and you shall do no work throughout that day for it is a Day of Atonement, on which expiation is made on your behalf before the Lord your God."

The requirement to "practice self-denial" is interpreted in the Talmud to mean the following five prohibitions: eating, drinking, bathing, sexual relations, using bath oils and lotions, etc., and wearing leather shoes. Driving is not permitted either. Last year I was in Tel Aviv for Yom Kippur and the streets were literally empty for the 25 hours. Not a car was seen on the road - an example of this is the picture above. People go to synagogue, spend time with their family, pray and of course fast. Technically not a drop of water or food should touch your lips. Even the television channels did not broadcast anything for the duration of the fast.

The day of Yom Kippur itself is said to have the power to expiate some sins, while our renunciation of sins and our confession of them is said to be essential for a new year of life with a proverbial clean slate. Maimonides writes that today, when there is no Temple or sacrificial system, "all that is available is repentance." We are required to repent for sins between ourselves and God and for sins between ourselves and other people.

Yom Kippur is the most serious and introspective of all the Jewish holidays -which makes it the hardest on practical and spirital levels. I will let you know of my Yom Kippur experiences tomorrow after the fast - as this will be the third time I am experiencing Yom Kippur.

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