
Lenny Kravitz at Paleo

The Paleo festival has finally come to Geneva, or should I say Nyon.I can't say I was always a fan of festivals; having associated them with people who like to slide around in mud, wear cheap straw hats and dance as if they were intentionally trying to be bad dancers. I'm much more a 'sipping gin&tonic by the lake on a veranda' than wearing khakis and walking around dirt in sandals. However, after seeing the Gossip at the Caribana, really enjoying it; I decided to put down the gin&tonic, leave the veranda, put my Khakis on (from the Gap at least) and make my way with VeryBusy to Paleo.

Now, VeryBusy had bought tickets to see the Cure and Lenny Kravitz months ago and had completely forgotten about them. So it was with a hint of slumber that I went to the festival. The first night we saw the Cure, who were true rockers but other than Friday, (or as I referred to it, 'the Monday,Tuesday song') I knew none of them. Then having not done my research, I missed seeing Natacha Atlas, missed getting tickets for Sting or for Garbage. So I was determined to have fun seeing Lenny Kravitz two night later.

I cannot say I was disappointed. Lenny, who I think was high as a kite when performing put on a great show, knowing how to play up to the audience, and at 48, looks even better than he did when he first started. What surprised me though was that I didn't realize what a fan I was until I had seen him live. Kravitz has been around since I was a kid that I was never really aware that I was humming to his songs all these years (others than Fly Away, which he closed the show with, and American Women which is one of my favourites). 


A weekend trip to London

So I was in London last week visiting Millionaire2B. London, is all hustle and bustle now before the Olympics and the amount of tourists were swarming around the hot streets like bees around honey. The constant din of different languages spoken created a constant and pleasant buzz. 

The best way to get around LDN is by public transport. But, wow... how expensive it has become. On the Continent never would we pay the prices a LDNer pays. An Oyster card was practically around 20 UKP. While in Milan 30 EUR would get you a monthly transport pass; in Geneva it would cost around 70 CHF. The monthly costs for a London pass cost around 170 UKP. With conditions; only for zone 1-2. Twice a week. While holding your shopping. With a parrot on your shoulder. Wearing pin-stripe while walking sideways. I do like London, but what are these prices. The French would be shocked! How do I know? I asked them while in Paris... but more on that later. 

But at least I got a chance to walk around and take some snaps.


The Everyday Must have Guide

Things you should always have on you:
Paracetamol – for those annoying tension headaches
Water – for your skin – and the quench your thirst
Chewing gum – for when you have nothing to do
Breath mint – for when you might kiss someone
Tissues – for those spontaneous sneezes… Gesundheit!

Things you should do:
Keep your shirt tucked in – for those business meeting or in case you bump into someone important like the President or Britney Spears
Have gelled hair – as above
Wear sunglasses – to protect against the sun and look mysterious and a tad CIA-ish

Things you should never do:
Eat Onions during lunch - for when you might kiss someone
Park in a haphazard way – speeding tickets I can understand, parking tickets I cannot!

Things you should never ever do:
Write lists like these. People don't care about advice you give them.
Read lists like these. People don't know what they are talking about.