
A weekend trip to London

So I was in London last week visiting Millionaire2B. London, is all hustle and bustle now before the Olympics and the amount of tourists were swarming around the hot streets like bees around honey. The constant din of different languages spoken created a constant and pleasant buzz. 

The best way to get around LDN is by public transport. But, wow... how expensive it has become. On the Continent never would we pay the prices a LDNer pays. An Oyster card was practically around 20 UKP. While in Milan 30 EUR would get you a monthly transport pass; in Geneva it would cost around 70 CHF. The monthly costs for a London pass cost around 170 UKP. With conditions; only for zone 1-2. Twice a week. While holding your shopping. With a parrot on your shoulder. Wearing pin-stripe while walking sideways. I do like London, but what are these prices. The French would be shocked! How do I know? I asked them while in Paris... but more on that later. 

But at least I got a chance to walk around and take some snaps.